Understanding the Science and History of Comets

Vision For It

What Are Comets Made of?

Comets consist of ice, dust, and organic compounds, often called 'dirty snowballs' of the universe.

How Comets Their Form Tails

As comets approach the Sun, heat causes their ice to vaporize, forming a bright, glowing tail.

The Science Behind Studying Comets

Studying comets helps scientists understand the origins of water and organic material in our Solar System.

Famous Comets in History

Halley's Comet, seen every 75 years, is one of the most well-known and studied comets.

Fun Facts About Comet

Did you know? Comets can travel up to 70 kilometres per second, zooming through space.

Where To See Comets?

Some comets are visible with the naked eye. Look out for new comets passing by Earth this year.

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