What Everyone Ought To Know about Narrative Conventions and their Importance

Narrative conventions are literary devices that are used in English literature to provide the linguistic flow of words in describing and decorating associated events. Some examples of these literary works are stories, dramas, novels, and poetries. Many things come under narration but the six basic conventions are setting, plot and character development, point of view, theme, and style.

Let’s lay your eyes below and see in detail what are narrative conventions, how they are used, and what are their types.

There is a bunch of classifications of how you make your context beautiful, but first, see some basic classifications: Primary narratives and secondary narratives. The first one is those which make a direct effect and leave a catchy impact over the text, therefore the Second one is also impactful but leaves its magic indirectly over the text.

Before hopping towards the type, let’s learn its importance

This narrative convention provides proper meaning to a story. A point of view that changes the whole angle. These conventions are used to analyse the story, plots, different themes, and characters of the story.

Primary Narrative Conventions Secrets Revealed

Let’s focus on basic conventions briefly…


Two types of setting are considered here mainly i.e. Place and time.

Place setting – It is the location which writers decide while writing up the story how shots will be portrayed. It can be like big places such as a country, place, city or lake or even smaller places such as hall, court, room, etc.

Time setting – Exact period where every section which was thought would look perfect. It can be like day and night time or season or ancient era.

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Plot Development

It includes five stages-

  • Exposition-  Setting, Context, and characters are introduced.
  • Complication- It is the stage where the interest of a reader’s engagement is concerned. Conflicting the situation spices up things.
  • Climax- Generating tension with the series of events. It can be good or bad for the protagonist depending upon the situation.
  • Falling tension- The stage where the conclusion of the story begins to come just after the climax. Tension falls and it can be against or in favor of characters.
  • Denouement– It’s the summing up of the part where each slice of the story is kept together.

Character Development 

  •  Interaction and relationships
  •  Appearance
  •  Thoughts
  •   Behavior
  •   Dialogues

Point of View

  • First Person
  • Second Person
  • Third Person


  •   Protagonist
  •    Antagonist


  •  Man against man
  •  Man against society
  •  Man against nature
  •  Man against himself


  •   Appearance
  •   Behavior
  •   Dialogues
  •   Relationship and interactions
  •   Thoughts and feelings

Descriptive languages

  •    Imagery
  •    Sensory
  •    Figurative language

Theme, Symbols, and motifs

  • Theme – Main Subject
  • Symbol – Place, person, and object.
  • Motifs – Recurring elements

The Ultimate Guide to Secondary Conventions

It includes four major literary devices such as-

  • Character Development- It is the most important part of the writer, as the whole mood of readers will be dependent. It’s the spark that has to be built from starting till the end. The inclusion of a Hero and a supper villain automatically keeps the reader’s heart excited.
  • Mood –A mood is an atmosphere created by the writers through their plethora of scenes.
  • Tone – Tone is the one way in which a story is delivered. It can be argumentative, romantic, friendly, and persuasive according to the mood created earlier.
  •  Voice – Literary text also holds voices such as views, positions, and ideas of individual characters. This leaves a great impact on the mindset of the reader and the values build-up by the characters.

Some Tips that will help you

Narratives are generally written in the first person, always, using “I”. Whereas third person in English speech like”he, she or it” can also be used.

  • Narratives depend on concrete, sensory details to convey their point. These details should create a merge, forceful effect, and a dominant impression.
  • Narratives, as stories, have to include these story conventions: a plot, including setting and characters; a climax; and an end.
  • Narrative essays are not short stories. It is all based on non-fictional experiences and completely turns the table by the point of view thesis. It explains that point.

The Final word

Narrative conventions are nothing but an art of word usage with some technical writing, you can see that these conventions can be found throughout the story and they take the story forward towards the climax. Secondary narrative conventions do make an impact directly on the story but does a major part in story writing and are much more important for the writers. To know more, keep reading.

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